Note Hound Study Companion

Kindle highlights “quotations” made easy

Make notes and highlights in Kindle books - at your desk or on the move.

Fetch and make highlights “quotable” with page numbered*, print edition, in-text citations. e.g. "adults and children who are put into a good mood select higher goals, perform better, and persist longer" (Seligman, 2017, p. 39)

Select from 9000+ ZoteroBib citation styles or use Zotero Scannable Cite.

Copy to your favourite writing or note-taking programs. For help with PDF articles, see our Zotero page. Register your Free account now! Note Hound App requires Chrome browser running on a PC or Mac *many (but not all) Kindle books have page numbers.

Note Hound Study Companion

Kindle highlights “quotations” made easy

Make notes and highlights in Kindle books - at your desk or on the move.

Fetch and make highlights “quotable” with page numbered*, print edition, in-text citations. e.g. "adults and children who are put into a good mood select higher goals, perform better, and persist longer" (Seligman, 2017, p. 39)

Select from 9000+ ZoteroBib citation styles or use Zotero Scannable Cite.

Copy to your favourite writing or note-taking programs. For help with PDF articles, see our Zotero page. Register your Free account now! Note Hound App requires Chrome browser running on a PC or Mac *many (but not all) Kindle books have page numbers.
Note Hound is listed on Library Guides at UCL Institute of Education Cambridge University London Business School
Note Hound is listed on Library Guides at: UCL Institute of Education Cambridge University London Business School